2 Credit In-depth Courses
In-depth courses do not require completion of all the foundation courses. Course materials will include textbooks and articles from the literature. Classroom assessment will include exams, quizzes, student presentation and papers, and participation.
CHEM 324A Electrochemistry, Batteries and Sensors
Reactions in which electrons are transferred provide unique opportunities for chemists to analyze redox-active species and store energy. This course will explore electroanalytical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, which can be used to study electron transfer kinetics, detect species of only transient stability or probe the mechanism of a chemical reaction. In addition, we will explore batteries and fuel cells in current use as well those that may be part of our energy future. Finally, we will see how electrochemistry allows the development of qualitative and quantitative sensors, such the glucose sensor in insulin pumps, ionselective electrodes and oxygen sensors in cars. Prerequisite: CHEM 315 (Reactivity 3) or departmental permission. This course will count for the Environmental and Industrial/Materials concentrations.
Course Objectives: after completion of the course, successful students will:
- gain an understanding of electrochemical techniques in which current or voltage are applied to gain qualitative or quantitative information about a sample;
- understand situations in which a current or voltage is generated, such as batteries and fuel cells;
- understand applications in which electrochemically active species are detected and quantified, such as sensors.
CHEM 343 Climate and Habitat Change
Along with the positive advances that result from chemistry, copious amounts of toxic and corrosive chemicals have also been produced and dispersed into the environment. The course will address selections from different areas of environmental study that impact our climate and habitat. Specific topics could include global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, energy production and usage and toxic waste disposal. Approaches for remediation will be discussed. Prerequisites: Chem 250 & 255.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- gain an understanding of the impact of environmental stresses from a chemical perspective;
- understand how environmental samples are analyzed and draw conclusions;
- explore remediation strategies.
CHEM 344 A Environmental Chemistry: Atmosphere
The behavior of chemicals in earth’s natural systems is critical to the study of environmental chemistry. Recently, copious amounts of toxic and corrosive chemicals have been produced and dispersed into the environment. This course will address the source and fate of compounds found both in natural and polluted air. The reactivity of compounds and their effect on the natural cycle in the atmosphere will also be explored. Specific topics could include CFCs, dioxins, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), ozone, and particulate matter. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CHEM 343 or departmental permission.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- evaluate the role and transformation of chemicals in the environment;
- apply fundamental chemistry principles to environmental topics.
CHEM 344B Environmental Chemistry: Lithosphere and Hydrosphere
The behavior of chemicals in earth’s natural systems is critical to the study of environmental chemistry. Recently, copious amounts of toxic and corrosive chemicals have been produced and dispersed into the environment. This course will address the source and fate of compounds found both in natural and polluted soil and water. The reactivity of compounds and their
effect on the natural cycle in the lithosphere and hydrosphere will also be explored. Specific topics could include water treatment processes, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, dioxins, pesticides, polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and DOM. Prerequisite: CHEM 343 or departmental permission.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- evaluate the role and transformation of chemicals in the environment;
- apply fundamental chemistry principles to environmental topics.
CHEM 345 Industrial and Engineering Processes
This course is intended to teach students the underlying principles in the operation and process development of a product for industrial scale mass production. Topics for this course will include testing/trials, production design, and resource management. Prerequisite: CHEM 255
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- recognize and classify modern chemical/pharmaceutical industries in terms of products, raw materials, scale and types of transformations;
- describe the basic chemical principles underlying selected organic and inorganic industrial chemistry processes;
- develop critical skills at analyzing cost/benefit/impact of traditional industrial chemical processes including green chemistry on the society as a whole.
CHEM 346 Nanomaterials
This course will focus on the fundamental principles in nanomaterials. Topics may include structural materials, conductors, semiconductors, sensors or polymers. The students will be presented with current synthetic techniques for the production of bulk and nanostructured materials along with analytical methodologies to physically characterize materials. Prerequisites: CHEM 315 OR 318
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- explain or predict how the atomic/molecular/nanoscale structure is related to important properties such as material strength, conductivity, absorption and emission of light, and chemical reactivity;
- understand the typical methods for the synthesis of such materials;
- understand methods for characterizing materials;
- be aware of application of materials chemistry in everyday life as well as areas of current research interest.
CHEM 347 Chemical Biology
Chemical biology will cover topics of current interest in chemical biology and will survey the way in which small molecules are used to investigate and manipulate biological systems either for a biological or chemical purpose. Specific topics may include protein design, development of unnatural biological molecules, peptide-carbohydrate interactions, combinatorial synthesis/libraries, molecular recognition, chemical genetics, biosynthesis and methods of drug discovery. Prerequisite: CHEM 251 Recommended: BIOL 121 and CHEM 315
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- understand the role of synthetic chemistry to elucidate molecular pathways;
- explore biological systems using chemical informatics;
- understand molecular probes in studying disease biology.
CHEM 348 Topics in Molecular Design
Molecular design is an important application of chemical reactivity. In this course, students will learn about current methods useful in synthesis and see these methods applied in the synthesis of complex molecules in organic or inorganic systems
CHEM 348A Molecular Design – Organic
Molecular design and catalysis are important applications of chemical reactivity concepts. In this course, students will learn about some current methods useful in synthesis and see these methods applied in the synthesis of complex molecules. Topics may include organo-transition metal reactions, catalytic methods of enantioselective synthesis and retrosynthetic analysis. Students will demonstrate basic proficiency in these areas and also carry out detailed analyses of total syntheses from the current literature. Pre- OR Co-requisite: CHEM 315
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- propose syntheses of organic or biologically relevant molecules;
- understand methods of asymmetric control;
- analyze syntheses from the chemical literature.
CHEM 348B Molecular Design-Inorganic
The design and synthesis of compounds containing transition metals is an important area of modern chemistry. In this course, students will learn the general principles of inorganic syntheses. Case studies from the chemical literature will then be examined in areas such as the synthesis of homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts, models for active sites in metalloenzymes, and solid state compounds. Pre- OR Co-requisite: CHEM 315
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- know general driving forces for chemical reactions involving inorganic species, including entropy and enthalpy effects, hard and soft acids and bases, use of labile ligands, and the like;
- assess the likelihood of success of a proposed synthesis;
- understand different synthetic techniques in solid state, organometallic and coordination chemistry.
CHEM 349 Chemistry in Experience and Practice
Students will participate in and write written reflections about activities designed to explore graduate education, research, and career options in chemistry. These activities will help students integrate and extend the experiences and knowledge gained from the chemistry curriculum to the outside world where further education and careers await them.
- students will practice the preparation of materials commonly required for acquiring jobs and internships, such as cover letters, personal statements, and resumes;
- through written reflections, students will demonstrate an understanding that practicing scientists must make decisions that have ethical consequences;
- through written reflections, students will demonstrate that they have explored multiple career options.
CHEM 352 Signal Transduction
Living cells and organisms must respond to their environment, which allows them to adapt to a variety of external conditions. We will use the language of chemistry (thermodynamics, kinetics, analysis, reactivity and modeling) as well as the languages of biology and mathematics, to explore systems of interactions and regulations within and between cells, and how signaling and regulation within complex biological systems leads to biological function, behavior, homeostasis, adaptation and emergence of new traits. Especially attention will be given to the development of learning and memory. Prerequisite: CHEM 251; Recommended: BIOL 121 and CHEM 315.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- explain general strategies used in the regulation of biological pathways and systems and the analytical tools used to study such pathways;
- describe and analyze communication pathways involved in complex processes such as learning and memory;
- use web databases, mathematical programs, and the literature to model, analyze and interpret molecular interactions in biological pathways.
CHEM 353 Xenobiotic Metabolism
This course will explore biological mechanisms of activation and detoxification of xenobiotics. Topics will include oxidation/ reduction mechanisms (e.g. Cytochrome P450, Flavin Mono-Oxygenase), transferase reactions (e.g. Glutathione S-Transferase, Glycosyltransferases, Acetyltransferases), adduct formation, and repair mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 315 Recommended BIOL 121.Course Objectives:
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- to understand fundamental toxicology principles and applications
- to classify the different routes of toxic exposure, metabolic pathways, mechanisms of distribution within the body, and elimination processes;
- to understand the effects of different toxicants and stressors in terms of target effect on cells, organs and organisms.
CHEM 354 Sustainable Energy
The world’s energy demands are increasing, and drawbacks associated with fossil fuels have spurred the search for energy alternatives. This course will examine alternative options such as solar energy, nuclear energy, hydrogen economy and fuel cells, ethanol production from switchgrass or algae versus corn, other biofuels and batteries. In addition, methods for making fossil fuels more sustainable will be discussed. Emphasis will be on the chemistry and thermodynamics of these processes with a focus not only the final energy production but the actual energy costs and environmental impacts of a given technology. Prerequisites: Chem 250 and Chem 255.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- understand how energy is produced via each of the energy alternatives;
- demonstrate that they can apply thermodynamic and other chemical principles learned in other courses to energy production;
- explain the pros and cons of different energy choices.
CHEM 355 Analysis of Biomaterials
This course provides an overview of principles of bioanalytical methods and the application of modern instrumental techniques to biological systems. Particular focus will be placed on fundamental principles and analytical measurements of biomolecules, immunoassays, separations, biological mass spectrometry, microscopy and imaging. Emerging technologies such as nanotechnology-enabled biosensors, microfluidic devices and lab-on-chip may also be addressed. Error analysis, statistical treatment of data and validation of bioanalytical methods and devices are included. Prerequisite: CHEM 255 AND CHEM 205 Recommended: BIO 121
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- identify and select the most effective technique/instrument for addressing a given bio-analytical problem;
- understand the physical, chemical and instrumental fundamentals underlying the bioanalytical experimental design and quality control;
- understand the application of advanced analytical chemistry and biochemistry in solving problems in chemistry, biochemistry, and medical science.
CHEM 356 Instrumental Design and Technology
This course will study the modern techniques of instrumental analysis focusing on electronics, optics, physical design and limitations of instrumentation in analytical chemistry. Upon completion of this course students will understand the theory of instrumentation for optical spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectroscopy, and electrochemistry. Additionally, students will be able to select an instrument based on what needs to be known about a sample. The course will also examine the development of new technologies for instrumentation used in security devices, in the human body for medical devices, as well as in space and underwater exploration. Prerequisite: CHEM 255 AND CHEM 205
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- choose an appropriate instrumental technique when you encounter a measurement or separation problem;
- process, interpret, and present instrumental data (both orally and in writing);
- knowledgeably operate chemical instrumentation based on an understanding of their operating principles.
CHEM 357: Separation Science
This course provides a systematic study of the modern techniques for analytical separations in terms of underlying principles, instrumentation, data interpretation and practical applications. Emphasis will be placed on gas and liquid chromatography, electrophoresis, two dimensional separations, and hyphenated techniques. Topics will be explored through a combination of scientific readings, case studies, and independent projects. Prerequisite: CHEM 255 AND CHEM 205
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- describe and explain the fundamental principles and instrumentation of selected analytical separation techniques;
- interpret data from separation methods for the purpose of method development, validation, and quantitation;
- select and apply appropriate separation methods for analysis of complex real-world samples.
CHEM 358 Biomacromolecules
Student will explore how the unique 3D structures of proteins, RNA, nucleic acids, and glycans arise and confer on those molecules their roles in catalysis, regulation, recognition and information storage. Students will develop an enhanced structural, thermodynamic and dynamic understandings of biomacromolecules and their biological functions and how in vivo and in vitro alternations in structure confers on them new biological properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 251 and 255; Recommended: BIOL 121
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- explain how the biological functions of proteins, nucleic acids and glycans can be understood through knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of the monomeric units and of the structures of the polymers that are formed from them;
- use basic principles of thermodynamics, molecular dynamics, chemical reactivity and conformational analyses to explain and predict the properties of biomacromolecules and how their structure and properties can be changed;
- read recent literature and analyze data derived from experimental and theoretical studies on biomacromolecules to predict and modify their structure, properties, and biological function.
CHEM 359 Symmetry, Orbitals and Spectroscopy
Symmetry, group theory, and molecular orbital theory will be used to explore and explain the behavior of chemical systems on the molecular and atomic scale. The emphasis will be to develop orbital theory in order to gain an understanding of observed spectroscopic behavior such as Raman, IR, and UV. Additionally, symmetry and orbital theory will be used to explain chemical reactivity using models such as Woodward-Hoffman rules and photochemical selection rules. Prerequisite: CHEM 318 or departmental permission.
CHEM 361Insights into Mechanistic Determination
This course will study how chemists determine organic, inorganic and biochemical reactions. Emphasis will be on methods for monitoring reaction rates and using experimental data to propose reaction mechanisms. Techniques discussed could include kinetics, isotopic labeling studies, isolation of reaction intermediates, site-directed mutagenesis, computational models and/or synthesis of compounds for model studies. Pre- OR Co-requisite: CHEM 315
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- understand a variety of experimental techniques used by chemists for mechanism determination and the limitations of these experiments;
- analyze mechanistic studies of a system from primary literature sources;
- propose reasonable mechanisms for reactions based on experimental data and an understanding of chemical reactivity.
CHEM 362 Polymers
This course explores various aspects of the chemistry of macromolecules. Topics may include synthetic approaches; chemical composition, molar mass and structure relationships to properties/property relationships; applications of soft materials,
thermodynamic and kinetic considerations in property control, and physical characterization of pure polymers, solutions, and blends. Prerequisites: CHEM 255 and 315 or departmental permission.
CHEM 363 Structural Elucidation
The major emphasis of this course will be on molecular structure determination. This skill is essential for chemists in many areas, such as medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, natural products chemistry, polymer chemistry, forensic chemistry, and many other sub-specialties of analytical chemistry. This course will prepare students with an up-to-date presentation of the tools used for the advanced analysis and structure elucidation of organic molecules using a variety of spectroscopic data including mass spectrometry, IR spectroscopy, fluorimetry, x-ray spectroscopy, etc. The specific techniques may vary depending on instructor choice. However, as NMR has proven to be one of the most powerful tools available, this course will provide students with an understanding of the basic principles of NMR and the students will explore the use of different techniques such as decoupling, relaxation time measurements, nOe, and interpretation of 1D and 2D NMR spectra. Prerequisite: CHEM 203
CHEM 364Medicinal Chemistry
This course will explore the fundamental aspects and current methodologies involved in the drug discovery process. The fundamental aspects include the physical, chemical and pharmaceutical properties of drugs. The methodologies include lead discovery strategies, structure activity relationships, structure-based and mechanism-based design methods, computational drug design methods, combinatorial chemistry techniques, and drug delivery considerations. Application to current topics such as chemotherapy of cancer, or viral or microbial diseases will be examined. Prerequisite: CHEM 315 Recommended BIOL 121.
Course Objectives: After completion of this course the successful students will be able to:
- to understand fundamental medicinal chemistry principles and applications;
- to have an appreciation of the various types of drug design approaches;
- to have an understanding of covalent and non-covalent interactions between the drug targets and the small molecule drugs.
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University
Dr. Alicia Peterson
Chair, Chemistry Department
CSB Ardolf Science Center 123 and 246