Campus Ministry

It is the role of Campus Ministry to invite and nurture students, along with the total academic communities, in the Christian, Catholic and Benedictine way of life. Campus Ministry envisions itself as a catalyst of discussion within the two colleges. By engaging students, faculty, staff and administrators in ongoing conversations about what it means to be Christian, Catholic, and Benedictine, Campus Ministry hopes to empower our communities to bring meaning and authenticity to our mission.

To fulfill this role, Campus Ministry offers many programs.

Liturgy: Since liturgy is the "source and summit" of the Christian life, students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in campus worship. Besides the regular Sunday evening Eucharist, Campus Ministry also provides Liturgy in the Halls (CSB), small group prayer, Bible study and reconciliation services.

Education: The Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults incorporate students seeking to join the Catholic Church to enter into this worshiping community. Campus Ministry responds to the Gospel by promoting peace and justice issues and groups on the two campuses. Campus Ministry sponsors retreats, days of reflection, spiritual companioning, marriage preparation, speakers and panels.

Service: Each year during Christmas break, spring break, and summer break, Campus Ministry offers a variety of service trips throughout the United States and abroad that seek to awaken consciousness of social issues and the need for Christians to embrace the Church's preferential option for the poor. Campus Ministry promotes Christian service through the Volunteers In Service To Others (VISTO) program in which students direct and coordinate the recruitment and training of student volunteers from both campuses. VISTO coordinates its volunteers with a wide variety of educational, social and religious organizations throughout the surrounding area.

Ecumenism: Campus Ministry welcomes people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds through ecumenical/inter-religious gatherings, Muslim/Christian encounters, celebration of the Day of the Dead, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Advent celebration of diversity and more.

Campus Ministry calls forth and empowers student leadership through the Student Campus Minister program (SCM). Students working in the Campus Ministry office, in conjunction with the professional staff, are involved in planning and implementing many of the programs sponsored by Campus Ministry. These women and men are to be the ears, eyes, hands and heart of our campus communities, giving witness to the risen Christ, as they serve with compassion.

CSB and SJU have Campus Ministry Departments on each of their campuses.  To learn more about what CSB Campus Ministry Department offers please follow the link:   For SJU Campus Ministry Department follow the link: