Grades and Honor Points

Intellectual achievement is more important than grades. Grades, however, are necessary for advisory purposes, for determination of the quality of academic achievements and for transfer of credit to other institutions. Grades are designated by letters. In order to compute averages, numerical values called honor points have been assigned to the grades as follows:

Letter Grade

Interpretation for Each Credit

Honor Points

Credit Earned

A Excellent 4


AB 3.5 Yes
B Good 3 Yes
BC 2.5 Yes
C Satisfactory 2 Yes
CD 1.5 Yes
D Minimum Passing 1 Yes
F 0 No
NR Not Graded 0 No
H Honors 0 Yes
S Satisfactory (C or higher - not calculated in GPA) 0 Yes
U Unsatisfactory (CD or less - not calculated in GPA) 0 No
AU Audit (Not for Credit) 0 No
W Withdraw Without Prejudice 0 No
I/ Grade Incomplete (letter grade calculated in GPA) Letter grade earned ex. I/C Yes, if passing grade
X In Progress 0 No
* No Grade Reported 0 No
T Transfer Coursework 0 Yes