Bill Cahoy

Elliptical Theology: Revelation, Theology, and Human Experience

  In-person Event | Presenter: Bill Cahoy, Ph.D.

Drawing on the reality of the Incarnation and the geometry of the ellipse, we will reflect on revelation as the Word of God and work of the Spirit; the unavoidable role of human experience, thought, and language in receiving, expressing, and understanding that revelation; and what this means for our theology, doctrine, liturgy, practice, and spirituality.

Dr. Cahoy completed his master’s and doctoral work at Yale University. He is a retired professor (1990-2021) and Dean Emeritus of Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary (1999-2015). Now retired from teaching in the classroom, Cahoy spends most of his time with family. However, Cahoy has a deep love for theology and teaching and can’t help but continue sharing his expertise with the Saint John’s community and the School of Theology and Seminary’s Theology Day participants.

Dates & Times

  • Friday, March 1, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Emmaus Hall, Saint John's University

  • Friday, March 1, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


  • Friday, April 19, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    Emmaus Hall, Saint John's University

Register Now

Please note: Start time indicates when presentations begin; in-person check-in is 30 minutes prior, webinar and synchronous access opens about 15 minutes prior.

Theology Day is a chance for people in our communities who are seeking a deeper spiritual life or understanding of their faith and its place in their everyday lives to learn from and interact with the theologians of Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary. It offers a chance for these scholars to gain insights and grow in their faith, as well.

There is no fee for Theology Day, but registration is required. Free-will offerings and gifts to support the mission of the School of Theology and Seminary are gratefully accepted.

For more information, contact our Development Office at 320-363-3560 or [email protected].

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