Conservation Tips

Heating and Cooling:

  • Fall Leaves  Cooling During the Fall and Spring Months:

> When the outdoor temperature cools off at night, open your windows while sleeping.

> When you wake in the morning, shut the windows and window coverings to capture the cool air inside your living space.

> Keep windows closed when outdoor humidity is high.


Snow covered trees  During the Heating Season:

> Keep windows closed at all times while heating systems are operating.

> During the heating season, open blinds, drapes and curtains during daylight hours to let sun in. Keep them closed during the evening and nighttime hours or if it's cloudy to keep the heat in.

 During the  Cooling Season:

> Keep windows closed at all times while cooling systems are operating.

> During the cooling season close blinds, drapes and curtains to block direct sun.


Other Tips:

> Always be sure to dress appropriately for the season.


> Turn off unused or unneeded lights.

> Use natural lighting instead of electric lighting whenever possible.

> Try task lighting and reduce overhead lighting.

> If you have a desk lamp, make sure it uses a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). CFLs are up to 75% more efficient than incandescent bulbs.

> If you plan to be away from your room or office for more than ten minutes, turn off your lights. If you see lights on in common spaces which are not being used such as meeting rooms or lounges, turn those lights off as well.

Windows and Doors:

> Refer to Space Heaters, Open Windows and Your Comfort to learn more.

> If you prop open doors for the purpose of moving equipment/furniture, please be sure to close them when done. Likewise, if you see doors propped open which shouldn't be, close them.

> Keep doors in shipping and receiving areas closed when not in use.

Appliances and Other Equipment:

> Purchase only energy-efficient models.

> Limit the number of appliances in dorm rooms, common areas, and offices to the minimum necessary.

> Turn off all energy consuming electronics, office equipment, and appliances when not in use, including televisions, copiers, refrigerators, venting hoods, etc.


> If you will be away from your computer for more than 15 minutes, turn off your monitor.

> If you will not be using your computer and printer for an extended period of time, such as evenings or weekends, shut them down.

> Please visit the IT Services intranet site for more information on green computing.

Report Energy Waste:

If you see instances of energy waste, please report them to the Physical Plant office at extension 3306 or via e-mail at [email protected].