Marketing and Communications

Brand Guide


Used consistently, our colors reinforce our brand identity. Colors have the power to infuse personality and convey meaning without words.

Primary Colors

CSB and SJU Red
Pantone 200
CMYK: 3, 100, 70, 12
*CMYK: 3, 100, 70, 12
RGB: 190, 15, 52
HEX: #be0f34

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: #000000

Rich Black (print)
CMYK: 40, 30, 30, 100

Secondary Colors

Dark Gray
Pantone Warm Gray 11
CMYK: 26, 36, 38, 68
*CMYK: 52, 50, 52, 10
RGB: 104, 92, 83
HEX: #685c53

Cool Light Gray
Pantone Cool Gray 8
CMYK: 23, 16, 13, 46
*CMYK: 20, 11, 12, 32
RGB: 140, 141, 142
HEX: #8c8d8e

Light Taupe
Pantone 7534
CMYK: 5, 5, 15, 8
*CMYK: 4, 4, 11, 7
RGB: 215, 211, 200
HEX: #d7d3c8

Dark Teal
Pantone 548
CMYK: 100, 21, 28, 76
*CMYK: 98, 27, 32, 46
RGB: 0, 65, 81
HEX: #004151

Powder Blue
Pantone 542
CMYK: 60, 19, 1, 4
*CMYK: 57, 14, 7, 3
RGB: 123, 175, 212
HEX: #7bafd4

Bright Blue
Pantone 299
CMYK: 86, 8, 0, 0
*CMYK: 69, 10, 0, 0
RGB: 0, 160, 223
HEX: #00a0df

Brick Rust
Pantone 1675
CMYK: 5, 83, 100, 27
*CMYK: 8, 61, 95, 17
RGB: 169, 67, 30
HEX: #A9431e

Pantone 143
CMYK: 0, 32, 87, 0
*CMYK: 0, 36, 81, 0
RGB: 242, 175, 50
HEX: #f2af32

Dusty Yellow
Pantone 122
CMYK: 0, 11, 80, 0
*CMYK: 0, 22, 93, 0
RGB: 255, 212, 81
HEX: #ffd451

Ultramarine Green
Pantone 555
CMYK: 80, 17, 76, 51
*CMYK: 72, 19, 74, 18
RGB: 40, 114, 79
HEX: #28724f

Spring Green
Pantone 576
CMYK: 54, 5, 94, 24
*CMYK: 0, 22, 93, 0
RGB: 120, 157, 74
HEX: #789d4a

*CMYK = uncoated stock

Color Guidelines

Primary Colors

CSB and SJU Red (Pantone 200) and black are our primary institutional colors.

  • In the logos, CSB and SJU Red should be used only on the crest. Never use it for the logotypes.
  • CSB and SJU Red should be used sparingly in any design, to give prominence to the logo.
  • Only use the approved color formulas listed.
Do not:
  • Use any variations or approxima­tions of CSB and SJU Red.
Secondary Colors

While CSB and SJU Red and black are our primary institutional colors, a larger palette provides our marketing and communications efforts the flexibility to enhance storytelling and infuse personality. The secondary colors were chosen to reflect our natural, well-connected and worldly brand attributes.

  • Use combinations of these colors sparingly.
  • Use the darker tones as main colors.
  • The lighter tones should be used as accents and backgrounds.
  • Only use the approved color formulas listed.
Print Guidelines
  • Paper color should be white for consistency and to maximize color and photographic repro­duction.
  • Printed tones will vary depending on paper stock and material.
  • *CMYK = for uncoated stock.


The CSB and SJU typefaces have been carefully chosen. Each typeface, and the way it is applied, enhances our brand and adds consistency and professionalism to our identity system.

Primary Fonts

The two primary font families used in the CSB and SJU identity system are Adobe Garamond and Helvetica Neue Condensed. Sizes may vary depending on the size of the piece or the circumstances of individual design situations. Use your discretion in modifying these specifications.

image of primary fonts

Script Fonts

The two script fonts should be reserved for formal use, such as invitations, and should not be used for running text.

image of script fonts

Typography Guidelines


Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold or Adobe Garamond Regular.


Adobe Garamond Italic or Semibold Italic or Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold.

Body Copy

Adobe Garamond Regular, left justified, minimum of 10 pt. with 12 pt. leading.

Sidebar Copy

Helvetica Neue Condensed Regular (9 pt. with 15-18 pt. leading). Sidebars could be reversed out of either an image or a solid color.


Helvetica Neue Condensed, either medium or bold (generally 8 pt. with 9-10 pt. leading).

Script Fonts

Minimum of 24 pt.

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

CSB Lottie Hall, Lower Level
[email protected]