Principle Six

Good Practice for Student Affairs at Catholic colleges and universities...

Invites and accompanies students into the life of the Catholic Church through prayer, liturgy, sacraments, and spiritual direction.

We invite students to grow in their spiritual grounding within the context of community by seeking out opportunities to develop sustained relationships of trust and engaging in the wisdom of Catholic life in the Bendedictine tradition.

Through our policies, programming, and mentoring we invite, encourage, and accompany students into the sacramental vision and life of the Catholic Church.

  • Students have a variety of  options for Mass between the two campuses on Sundays and Holy Days.
  • Retreats offer students opportunities to grow in faith and develop habits of prayer that are nourished by sacraments.
  • Students are invited to celebrate sacramental reconciliation both before Sunday Mass and in seasonal penance services.
  • RCIA programs are offered on different tracks for welcoming  students into full communion with the Catholic Church.
  • Special liturgies are offered throughout the year to support the journey of faith.
  • Monks, sisters, and other mentors are available to students for spiritual direction.