Integrative Science Major

The ISCI major will be phased out for incoming students beginning Fall 2020.  Current students admitted to the major before May 2020 will be able to continue in the ISCI major and appropriate opportunities to complete the major will be provided to these students through Spring 2023.

Unique to our major is the chance for students to integrate their multiple scientific interests at various integration points: one at the sophomore year, junior year, and senior year by participation in the capstone.

Integration Points

Interdisciplinary courses held during the sophomore, junior, and senior year; student learning outcomes for the major are assessed. These include competencies in Literacy (quantitative and qualitative), Communication, Inquiry, and Integration.

Learning Outcomes scaffolded throughout the major:

  • Literacy
    Students will identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use quantitative and conceptual information to share scientifically related information.
  • Communication
    Students will use oral and written communication to purposefully and effectively convey scientific information.
  • Inquiry
    Students will effectively use the scientific process to evaluate methodology and original data to synthesize a conclusion based on this evaluation and in the context of disciplinary theories and the scholarly literature.
  • Integration
    Students will effectively synthesize concepts, scientific processes, and/or theories from at least two scientific disciplines to help understand and/or solve a scientific question or problem.