Sustainability Directions 2020

Sustainability Directions 2020 will guide CSB’s sustainability work across the institution for FY2019-2020 and serve as the foundation for future plans.

CSB’s first Sustainability Master Plan was written in 2012, and a new plan is needed to continue driving progress. The process for creating Sus2020 stresses deep engagement from across the CSB community. We will come together to develop Guiding Principles, and then each Division will take ownership of creating its own goals that align with these Principles.

The Guiding Principles themselves will align with Strategic Directions 2020 and the mission, vision, and priority commitments of CSB: Liberal Arts for Life; Holistic & Transformational Development of Women; Inclusive & Engaging Catholic & Benedictine Experience; Shared Future, Sustainable Future.

As SD2025 is finalized, the intention is to update the Guiding Principles of Sustainability Directions as needed. Divisions will be encouraged to update their sections on an annual basis to align with the Guiding Principles, keep the CSB community informed on progress, and continue setting new goals to move sustainability forward at CSB.


campus data

Transportation x35651

Grounds x35650

Sustainable Food x35865

Sustainable Facilities x35649

Partnership x36782

Education x40761

Responsible Consumption x41331

Opportunities for Engagement

We will update this list as we move through the process. We appreciate your interest and welcome your participation!

Call for Guiding Principles (active as of November 1, 2017)
Your input at this early stage will shape the trajectory of the entire plan! NOW is the time to have your voice heard!