Free Agents

Become a Free Agent - (if you want to play but currently are not on a team)

  1. Click "Leagues" tab near top of page
  2. Locate the league you would like to become a free agent in and click the league name (e.g., Tuesday Night Volleyball)
  3. Click "Join as a free agent" on the left side of the page
  4. Click "Join as Free Agent" button in center of page

Add a Free Agent to your team (Team Captains Only)

  1. Signing into Athleague will bring up your home page
  2. Click the name of your team along the left side of the page
  3. Once on your team's page click "Manage Roster" along the left side of the page
  4. Locate the "Add Free Agent" box near the center of the page and select a free agent you would like to add to your team
  5. Click "Add Free Agent" along the ride side of the page