4.2 Further Procedures for Faculty Review

These procedures are the means by which the Post-tenure Faculty Development Program is implemented.

4.2.1 The Post-tenure Faculty Development Program Coordinator

The post-tenure faculty development coordinator is a tenured faculty member elected to a three-year term by the faculty at his or her respective campus. The program coordinator notifies faculty of his or her anticipated participation in the program; meets individually with program participants to discuss goals, the process of reflection and the plan for professional development; coordinates interaction of program participants; aids faculty in procuring appropriate resources; consults with department chairs, the director of the Learning Enhancement Services and the chair of the Faculty Development and Research Committee and with them serves as a resource person for program participants; and writes an annual report on the activities of the program.

4.2.2 Frequency of Participation

All tenured faculty whose most recent rank and tenure review was 10 or more years ago must participate, and participation will continue at 10-year intervals thereafter. Each program coordinator will direct 10 participants per year. The starting date for participation is based upon the date of tenure, with those having the longest tenures the first participants.

4.2.3 Procedures for the Post-tenure Faculty Development Program

The Post-tenure Faculty Development Program includes the following steps:

  1. Establishment of Goals: At the beginning of the year of participation, each faculty member will assess accomplishments and identify goals for further development in three areas: teaching, scholarship and creative work, and service activities. This process of reflection will include two components: an oral discussion with at least one other tenured faculty member from either inside or outside the participant's department and the preparation of a written report summarizing the accomplishments and identifying goals, which will be given to the program coordinator and the faculty member's departmental chair.

  2. Identification of Strategies: Following this reflection and during the course of the year, each participant will identify strategies to achieve goals for his or her professional development and suggest ways the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University could provide resources to assist the plan of development. All program participants will consult with their department chairs and meet at least twice per semester with each other and the program coordinator to discuss their goals and strategies. Each faculty member is encouraged to be creative in designing his or her own program goals and strategies. Sample components of program design might include (but are not limited to):

  1. Development of regular peer partnership activities with another faculty member or group of faculty members who might observe classes or discuss one's scholarly activity.

  2. Redesigning courses through intensive reading, reorientation of content, reconsideration of pedagogical technique, reflection on student feedback, new use of technology, experiments with team teaching, videotaping of classes, consulting with colleagues on other campuses, applying for release time for developing new courses, attending appropriate conferences, and so on.

  3. Planning a program of scholarship and creative work: assessing direction through consideration of disciplinary development and personal interest, intensive reading, networking with scholars of like interest, attending conferences, planning and taking research trips, writing research grants, applying for reassigned time for research, carrying out research, writing drafts of research and receiving feedback.

  4. Planning directions of future service activities.

  • Proposal: Each participant will prepare a proposal which will be given to the department chair, program coordinator and the dean. It will summarize the reflection; clarify the goals, strategies and resources needed for the development plan; and project strategies to be initiated during the following one to two years. It will be due April 1. The chair and the dean will provide a written response by September 1.
  • Report: Within two years, participants will report to their departments on the implementation of their development plan.